Living Untethered - A Meditation Group Series

Guided by Meghan Leighton
Single Class: $20
Full series: $75
(All classes must be used during the series. We cannot refund or transfer unused classes)

August Four Week Series- Wednesdays 9:30-10:30 am starting August 9th
September Four Week Series- Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 pm starting September 6th

Looking to deepen, or start, your meditation practice? A meditation group is a supportive way to do just this! Join Meghan, yogi and meditation coach, and others in community to practice mindful movements like mindful walking and stretches, with an ending guided meditation. No experience required.  Neuroscience, practical daily living tools, and philosophy will be offered, as well. Each week will have a different theme and take-home practices. All levels are welcome and chairs are also available at the studio for meditation. Bring a yoga mat, meditation cushion, an open mind, and get ready to dive in!

Each session will focus on a tool for living untethered based on the yoga sutras and Michael Singer's work and book, The Untethered Soul.

Suggested reading - The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer

Meghan also offers private meditation classes. Please reach out to schedule your session: